Title: UPS for IT Industry

Industry: IT

Application: Servers and Workstations

Product / Solution: Falcon 5000 UPS

Location: Multiple locations across India

The Problem: Leading IT Company services and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to companies in various vertical and horizontal markets. As the company is providing support to its customers located across the globe it is critical that their systems operate on uninterrupted basis.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of Fuji Electric engineers studied the requirements of IT Company in detail and proposed Falcon 5000 UPS in parallel configuration along with Hornbill Static Transfer Switch to ensure that the operations of workstations at the respective locations continue on an uninterrupted basis as well 24/7 operations of the critical servers used for Networking / Cloud Service / Data Security. Each service is supplied through Hornbill STS to keep one more source as standby which gives more security to these servers.

Result: The solution suggested and implemented by Fuji Electric has ensured uninterrupted 24/7 operations of the critical servers as well as the work stations and Fuji Electric has implemented this solution in over 8 locations of IT Company like Noida, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune with over 60 UPS cumulatively 2500 KVA of UPS installed.
