Title: The Harmony of Power - Fenner India

Industry: Industrial / Manufacturing

Application: Consul Neowatt offers IORA 3000 Active Harmonic Filter up to 600Amps, which is the largest rating globally to eliminate Harmonics in your power system. Fenner India is a part of the JK group of companies and is a leader in the field of mechanical power transmission and sealing solutions manufacturing products like v-belts, oil seals which are used in various industries. The manufacturing facility in Madurai is the oldest manufacturing plant of Fenner

Product / Solution: Active Harmonic Filters


The Problem: Fenner India uses a number of drive motors for manufacturing of its products. It was facing a problem of a significantly high rate of drive failure at its manufacturing facility. An inspection by the team revealed harmonics generated at the facility to be responsible

Fuji Electric Solution: The Consul Neowatt team did a full audit of the facility and suggested a distributed AHF solution to control the harmful harmonics generated at PCC (Point of Common Coupling). This configuration would also ensure the THDi level to be less than 5% even if the load current is less than 10% of running current.

Result: There has been a significant drop in the drive failure at the facility after the installation of the AHF.
