Title: Pioneer in The 24/7 News Space

Industry: Media and Broadcasting

Application: Critical Server

Product / Solution: UPS

Location: New Delhi

The Problem: The customer is a pioneer of the 24/7 news channel in India and the most respected name in the industry, they have news channels in English and Hindi. The channels operate on a 24/7 basis and the studio and newsroom support in continuous news delivery.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric studied the requirements of the customer and the operations of the studio and newsroom. Based on the criticality of the operations they suggested the installation of two nos of Falcon 7000M Modular UPS of rating 250 KVA in standalone configuration.

Result: The customer is satisfied with the solution suggested by the team from Fuji Electric as well as the operations of the UPS in supporting the continuous operations of the studio and the newsroom.
