Title: One of The Largest Indian Pharma Companies

Industry: Pharma Plant

Application: Harmonics on Transformer Side

Product / Solution: Active Harmonic Filter

Location: Mahbubnagar, Telangana

The Problem: The customer is one of the leading Indian pharmaceutical companies having started operations over three decades back. The manufacturing facility is located in Mahbubnagar, Telengana, based on investigation it was found that the level of harmonics being generated at the plant was higher than the limits set by the electricity regulator.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric did a detailed study of the site and the operations based on this they recommended the installation of two nos of 600 Amp IORA 3000 active harmonic filter in stand alone configuration and connected on the 33KV Transformer LT side.

Result: The customer is satisfied with the solution suggested and implemented by Fuji Electric as the harmonics at the site are now within the limits set by the electricity regulator.
