Title: Leading MNC FMCG in Oral Care Segment

Industry: FMCG

Application: Testing Equipment in R&D Lab

Product / Solution: UPS

Location: Mumbai

The Problem: One of the largest MNC Oral Care FMCG company has it’s Research & Development lab in Mumbai where different type of its products are tested. Load consists of lab equipments and servers which is very much critical since a single testing process cycle lasts up to a week and no interruption should occur.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric studied the requirements of the R&D team and the testing process they carry out. Based on this and finding out that the test process that last upto one week need to be uninterrupted the team proposed the solution of a Falcon 120 KVA UPS in parallel configuration. The UPS was connected to the lab equipment and server to ensure uninterrupted operations of the equipment.

Result: The project included power cable and supply panel along with the UPS system was completed in an effective manner and handed over with all load running on UPS in a planned way without major shutdown. The system has been working in a smooth an uninterrupted way over the last 3 years.
