Title: Leading Japanese Ball Bearing Manufacturer

Industry: Auto Component

Application: Gas Controlling

Product / Solution: Gas Analyzer

Location: Rajasthan

The Problem: The leading Japanese Ball Bearing manufacturer set up its manufacturing facility in Neemrana, Rajasthan to support Japanese automakers to service domestic Indian market, with high quality bearings. The State of the art manufacturing facility incorporating cutting edge technologies is highly automated with the latest machinery & equipment ensuring high precision. The customer had to monitor the atmospheric gases as per the government norms.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric visited the site and studied the requirements of the customer and suggested the installation of a Gas Analyzer for controlling and recording concentration of CO2 gas contained in the atmospheric gases around the atmosphere gas generator.

Result: The customer has been able to successfully able to control and monitor the concentration of CO2 gas that has resulted in high quality ball bearings being manufactured and meeting the stringent customer requirements.
