Title: Leading Indian FMCG Brand

Industry: FMCG

Application: Packaging and Printing Machine

Product / Solution: UPS

Location: Haridwar

The Problem: The customer is a leading Indian FMCG company with its factories in Haridwar, the company alsodoes the printing of all the packaging material for its products for which it uses Heidelberg and bobst machines. The lines need to run on a continuous basis source must be capable to control variation in voltage during operation for smooth running of these equipments.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric visited the site and studied the requirements of the customer as well as the operations of the printing machines. It was noted that the nature of the load is variable with regenerative load also. Based on this the team recommended the installation of Falcon 5000 and Falcon 7000 UPS of rating from 120 KVA to 400 KVA in parallel configuration.

Result: The customer is happy with the performance of the UPS and has expanded is usage of Falcon UPS at its facility to 2.5 MVA of UPS installed.
