Title: India’s Leading Packing Material Manufacturer

Industry: Plastic Industry

Application: HDPP Plastic Machine

Product / Solution: UPS

Location: Daman

The Problem: The customer is India’s leading manufacturer of packing material based out of Mumbai and with a manufacturing facility in Daman. Customer is having Extruder load used to prepare different packing material make by plastic. They manufacture various types of packing materials like multi layered co-extruded films, High Gas Barrier Vacuum Packaging Pouches and Thermo formable Films. These are manufactured using extruder machine from Wind Moller & Holscher.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric studied the requirements of the customer as well as the operations of the machine. They noted the importance of uninterrupted power supply for making the plastic films and the fact that a single power cut leads to stoppage of production for approx. 3 hours. Based on this the team suggested the installation of two nos of Falcon 5000 UPS of 600 KVA rating and one nos of Falcon 5000 of 300 KVA rating.

Result: The customer is satisfied with the solution implemented as their operations have been running smoothly with the UPS supporting the machines Fuji
