Title: A Leading Textile Mills in Madurai

Industry: Textile

Application: Textile Machinery

Product / Solution: Active Harmonic Filter

Location: Rajapalayam, Madurai

The Problem: The customer a large textile mill in Rajapalayam which is part of a larger business group with a turnover of over 400 crores that is engaged in the fields of Textile, Auto mobile, Non-conventional energy Sources (Wind Mills) and Financial activities over the last several years. The textile mill was identified by the Electricity Board for generating a high level of harmonics and was asked to make rectification.

Fuji Electric Solution: The team of engineers from Fuji Electric studied the site and the harmonics being generated. Based on this study the team suggested the installation of a 200 Amp IORA 3000 Active Harmonic Filter to reduce the harmonics being generated at the site.

Result: The customer is satisfied with the solution suggested by the Fuji Electric team as the harmonics generated at the site have been brought within the acceptable limits.
