Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI)
Fuji Electric is Approved Brand for Sugar Industry.

Plastindia 2018
The largest plastics exhibtition in India Plastindia 2018 will be held in Gandhi...

Fuji Electric Consul Neowatt will be participating in the plastic industry exhib...

Medicall 2017
India's leading healthcare exhibition Medicall 2017 is being held in Chennai fro...

IPLEX 2017
IPLEX 2017 is the largest exhibition for the plastics industry in South India or...

International Packtech India 2016
Visit Consul Stall No.C51 at International Packtech India 2016 from 15 - 17 Dece...

Rajkot Machine Tools 2016
Visit Consul Stall No.8 in Hall No.3 at Rajkot Machine Tools 2016 from 23 - 26 N...

REI 2016
Visit Consul Stall No.M2 in Hall No.9 at REI 2016 from 7-9 September 2016

IPLEX 2016
Visit Consul Stall No.4 in Hall No.1 at IPLEX 2016 from 26-28 August 2016

World Culture Festival 2016
Consul Neowatt was the power partner for the World Culture Festival 2016 held re...